This is my little sicky enjoying the spoils of being pampered. Food in bed, videos, unlimited tv, cool rags on his forehead. Aah, the good life.
The only problem with this is, we hadn't used the term "Swine Flu" in front of Zander yet. The only thing he and Vinny knew about it was what he had seen on the news. Scary warnings and people dying. So, they read the cute card from Ash and their faces fell. "Is it true?" Vinny asked. "Yep" I answered much too nonchalantly for his taste. Vince canceled his pending playdate and went straight into big brother protective mode. He swapped out Zander's cool forehead rags, brought him snacks and drinks, fluffed pillows, anything he needed.
Then he created signs for all of our doors to protect any visitors.
It wasn't until later that night when Zander asked "So, when am I going to die?". WHAT?! Good grief! My boys actually thought that Zan was on his literal deathbed. Poor babies. He was in pretty good spirits considering he was sure he was terminal. Jerm and I assured them that everything was going to be just fine and Zander would get better soon. They were totally relieved. Then Vinny asked one last question.